Writing e-mails is the art of communication in the 21st century. Have you mastered it? (part 1)

How many e-mails do you write every day? Imagine that this number may become the number of wasted opportunities because you had no knowledge or skills necessary writing e-mails. Would you like to improve your efficiency thanks to emailwriting?

Master the key communication tool in business

The number of sent and received emails in 2015 exceeded 205 trillions. This number grows by 3% each year on average and by the end of 2019 is to reach 246 trillions daily*.

Those who complain about the mass of e-mails in their box have to prepare for even more of them.

What do these numbers mean?

E-mail is the most popular form of communication in business. Its position will keep growing. Despite the fact that we use communicators it is still the e-mail which is a business tool no. 1 and it’s hard to do without it. This is why writing skills and quality of what you write become essential in business. Unfortunately most of us are entirely unaware of this fact.

The best e-mails… What are they?

Everything begins with awareness. And with the ability of assessment of the efficiency of our e-mails and looking at our writing to improve emailwriting. How to write better?

Writing is craft and certain things can be learnt. Other require time, skills, empathy and knowledge.

The best emails combine 4 things:

  •  decent writing craft,
  •  creative use of potential which is carried by such communication,
  •  ability to notice perspective and expectations of the recipient,
  •  writing compliant with who you are not only due to your status, but first of all what kind of a person you are.


First 2 can be sensed with 100%, but writing master is required to empathize with the needs of recipient and be faithful to himself or herself.

E-mail and 3 primary things to be applied instantly

When you spend your time writing e-mails (and it can be even more than 4 hours per day on average) you probably want it to make sense, don’t you? This is why the most important question set by e-mail communication is:

  1. What are you writing this e-mail for?

You write for various reasons – to sum up, ask, confirm, offer, make someone think about given subject etc.

Always know what you want and why you are writing, and communicate it clearly from the very beginning.

Future means even more e-mails, so learn how to save your time and respect the time of others. If you are not able to clearly specify what you are writing for or there are too many matters it is worth using different form of communication. It can be intra-communication, face-to-face meeting or a phone call which will allow to order the content of the message before it is sent.

There is copywriting, webwriting, but in business emailwriting is the most important. It is an ability to write messages which the recipient scans, reads on the Internet as they achieve aims – mutual understanding and built relations.


More and more people use mobile devices to read messages and reply to them. Be aware of this basic fact connected to writing for the Internet:

  1. Your e-mail is not read, but scanned.

Since we know that, we should pay attention to the e-mail and focus recipient’s attention on the most important words. We judge at first glance, never mind if it is a blog entry or an e-mail. Take care of sections, distinctive marks and empty spaces so it can be seen what is really important.


  1. Do not miss the opportunity given by the e-mail!

While receiving numerous e-mails I see as many missed opportunities every day. Remember that e-mail is a tool which gives you the chance to say something more. How to use it?

The simplest way is to edit the footnote depending on the needs. There you can redirect to your blog entry, promotion or important information.

*Data: http://www.radicati.com/


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