It is so easy to get me excited about something nice and useful. And social media temps severely. Because of its scope. Because of the promise to catch a customer. And it costs very little money!
I see an Instagram picture and I think how cool it is and I’d like to have my profile there. Someone has been expanding Pinterest and I exclaim: wow! Twitter – why not? And we start to choose what we like. And then we devote much time to learn a new social media tool and we spend much time to be active there. And finally we sum up: it doesn’t work! Is anyone experience anything like that?
Here’s the rub! It doesn’t matter what you like. Social media in business is not a toy, but a tool which helps to communicate to your receivers. So the crucial question is: who is your receiver? If you work on your personal brand, Twitter may be helpful. If you are a stylist, use Pinterest and show your work. If you have got a product for teenagers, think of Instagram.
Taking into account communication and PR, this is not a love affair, but a mature choice about to whom you deliver product, services, solutions. If you made this choice, you can discuss which social media would be good to use in a talk to your receiver ( yes, a talk and not a one way info), your potential client, your customer. So: