One upon a time I entered the medical market with PR products with a great enthusiasm. And I was badly defeat.
At the beginning I saw a strong demand for PR services. And I came to the conclusion that the dental market is just created for Public Relations.
Although around there were much work for me, I couldn’t find partners even to talk about PR solutions. It appeared to me that everyone heard about PR, but nobody knew about its practical side. So, I was disappointed. I had many doubts. I thought of giving up.
Finally, I decided that step by step I’d educate and show how PR works. Without any hurry and following 1st Roman PR Rule.
Below some ideas which I have been practicing for 5 years as I believe that in some cases you have to educate before you can sell. I share my experience, because I am sure that it will inspire and motivate you. And, please: make a plan and be persistent.
- The project Treat person, not disease
My experience says: young people are more open to discussions and they really want to learn. So, this project started in 2009 at medical universities like an open possibility for dental student and it is continued in more exclusive way. Now we work on improving our blog about communication between doctors and patients and about PR at dental offices. More about the project.
- Articles.
My first article for a dental journal I wrote in 2011 as far as I remember. Now I publish my articles in nr 1 dental journal in Poland -Magazyn Stomatologiczny. In 2015 the journal created the section about PR which I am responsible for.
- Case studies.
I succeed with introducing some PR, e.g. dental photo portfolio, website of a clinic, a dental blog and some solutions connected with personal branding for dentists.
- Dental Coffee Morning
This PR campaign started in 2014. It is an open invitation for dentists who want to know more about using PR successfully. This a meeting where open discussions is included and there dentist can find PR solutions. More about this project.