Happy 13th and blog post

I’ve you written a post. Bravo! Before you publish, check if your post is well-eqipped.

A check-list for your post. 13 times ‘yes’ is not a must to have a great post. You write and you decide!

1. Does your post have paragraphs?

2. Is there some space between your paragraphs?

3. Is your post not too long?

4. Has your post a bold phrases?

5. Has your post got points?

6. Are there short sentences in your post?

7. Do you know tags for your post?

8. Does your post have a good title?

9. Does your post have a picture ( with info about its source)?

10. Does your post have got a good introduction?

11. Is there a link in your post?

12. Is there information about sources in your post?

13. Does your post give advantage for its reader?

This list was inspired by the participants at writing blog workshop ( part II). Thanks a lot!

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